Why does the Indian news media only cover politics?
August 2, 2023
Why does the Indian news media only cover politics?

Well folks, let's dive into the spicy curry of Indian news media, shall we? It's like politics has become their favorite Bollywood superstar, always taking center stage! Why so, you ask? It's because political news sells like hot samosas in India, stirring up emotions, creating debates, and keeping the TRP ratings high. So, next time when you switch on the news and it's all politics, don't go 'why always this?', instead say 'here comes the spicy drama!'

Media Criticism
UP minor gangraped, stepsister among 3 held?
August 2, 2023
UP minor gangraped, stepsister among 3 held?

Alright folks, hold onto your seats because this one is a doozy. A recent incident in Uttar Pradesh, India, has left me gobsmacked. A minor girl was, unfortunately, gang-raped, and here's the kicker - her stepsister was among the three people arrested. Yes, you heard that right, her own family member! It's a harsh reminder that sometimes villains are closer home than we think. Let's hope justice is served and the poor girl gets the support she needs.

Crime & Justice News
What is the current status of Salman Khan hit and run case?
July 31, 2023
What is the current status of Salman Khan hit and run case?

So, folks, let's dive into the rollercoaster that is Salman Khan's hit and run saga! In a nutshell, the case is as closed as a locked diary. Khan, Bollywood's resident bad boy, won his appeal against his conviction back in 2015. So, he's not swapping his designer suits for prison jumpsuits anytime soon! But, this is Bollywood we're talking about, and like any good movie, there's always room for a sequel. So, who knows what the next chapter holds for our superstar!

News & Current Events
The Role of Private Schools in Indian Education - Assessing the pros and cons
July 30, 2023
The Role of Private Schools in Indian Education - Assessing the pros and cons

As a blogger, I've been digging deep into the realm of Indian education, specifically the role of private schools. Now, let's shake the coconut tree and see what falls out. On the pro side, private schools provide top-notch education, smaller class sizes, and personalized attention to students - it's like having your own educational butler! But wait, there's a flip side too. These schools can be as expensive as a Bollywood wedding, making them unreachable for many families. Plus, they sometimes lack diversity, turning into a luxury island in the vast ocean of Indian education. So, it's not all rainbows and unicorns, folks!

Education & Learning
Why should I not buy a Mi Note 10 5G phone?
July 27, 2023
Why should I not buy a Mi Note 10 5G phone?

Despite its impressive features, I would advise against buying the Mi Note 10 5G phone. The device has significant drawbacks such as a relatively underwhelming chipset that affects performance. Its camera quality is also not as good as other phones in its price range. Additionally, the Mi Note 10 5G has a disappointing battery life, and it lacks wireless charging, which is a feature most of us have come to expect in high-end phones. Lastly, its MIUI software can be intrusive with ads and unnecessary notifications.

Technology Reviews
How is life for an Indian in Italy for settling?
July 23, 2023
How is life for an Indian in Italy for settling?

Living as an Indian in Italy can be quite an adventure, filled with unique experiences and challenges. While the stunning landscapes, rich history, and delectable food are enticing, the language barrier and cultural differences can be tough to navigate. Finding Indian communities and grocery stores selling Indian spices and food items is comforting, but workplace discrimination can be a dampener. The Italian bureaucracy can often prove to be a headache, but once settled, the laid-back lifestyle can be quite enjoyable. Overall, it's a mixed bag of experiences that makes life interesting and worth exploring.

Expat Life & Immigration
What is it like to live in Nepal?
July 20, 2023
What is it like to live in Nepal?

Living in Nepal is a unique experience, marked by breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage. The people are incredibly warm and welcoming, often treating guests as gods. Despite being a developing nation, the quality of life is good, and the cost of living is relatively low. However, it does deal with challenges like infrastructure issues and occasional political instability. Overall, life in Nepal is a beautiful blend of simplicity, spirituality, and scenic beauty.

Travel and Culture
PM Modi condoles Dilip Kumar's death - India News?
July 11, 2023
PM Modi condoles Dilip Kumar's death - India News?

In a heartfelt message, PM Narendra Modi expressed his condolences over the death of legendary Indian actor, Dilip Kumar. Recognizing his significant contribution to the Indian cinema, Modi described Kumar as a cinematic genius who left an indelible mark on generations. His loss is not only a huge blow to the film industry, but also to millions of his fans worldwide. The Prime Minister's tribute underscores the immense respect and admiration Dilip Kumar commanded in his lifetime. This indeed is a sad day for Indian cinema.

News & Politics
What is CMS for NDTV and Times of India websites?
April 30, 2023
What is CMS for NDTV and Times of India websites?

As a blogger, I recently explored the CMS (Content Management System) utilized by popular Indian news websites like NDTV and Times of India. These platforms use a customized CMS to manage and publish their vast amount of content efficiently. The CMS allows their editorial teams to collaborate seamlessly and maintain a consistent user experience across their websites. It also helps them in streamlining the publishing process and staying relevant in the fast-paced digital news world. Overall, a robust CMS is crucial for large-scale news websites like NDTV and Times of India to deliver quality content to their audience.

Content Management Systems (CMS) for News Websites
What do American Indians today look like?
March 29, 2023
What do American Indians today look like?

American Indians today are a diverse group of people with a range of physical appearances. From traditional tribal dress to modern business attire, the modern-day Indian looks like a variety of different peoples, depending on their tribe. They have a broad range of physical features, including straight black hair, dark eyes, and high cheekbones, that often reflect their ancestral home. Additionally, the way they dress can be a mix of traditional and modern, often with vibrant colors and embroidery. All in all, American Indians today are a fascinating mix of cultures and backgrounds, with a wide range of physical appearances.

Native American Culture